Transforming your body, mind, and spirit

Location: Novato, CA

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bill Bodri, over at has redesigned and updated his website recently. Bill's got a lot of excellent free articles on his site as well as a free ebook called "How To Meditate". This is where I bought the great ebook about the White Skeleton Meditation which I highly recommend. It's only $7.95! The White Skeleton Meditation is relatively easy to learn and can have profound effects with consistent practice. It explains a method of moving beyond the attachment to your bodily exsistence into pure awareness. Excellent! Click Here! to go to his web site.

Gamma Meditation

I've been using a brainwave cd by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson called Gamma Meditation System. I love this CD every bit as much as the Awakened Mind 2.0 CD I mentioned in a previous post. Maybe even more! After about six weeks of daily use I can definately notice changes going on. My mind is much quieter, it's a lot easier to enter the meditative state and carry it over into normal daily living which means a reduction in the reactive state of mind and more of the witness consciousness which, to me, is a big step forward.

Studies of Tibetan Buddhist monks have shown high levels of the Gamma brainwave while in deep meditation. Meditators aren't the only one's who can benefit from this CD however; anyone involved in qigong/chi kung, yoga, artists, writers, or anyone looking to go deep within themselves with a calm mind and great focus, or, if you are simply looking for relief from stress and anxiety you can benefit greatly from this CD.

For more information about Dr. Jeffrey Thompson and his excellent products you can visit the Sound Store at his website.

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