Transforming your body, mind, and spirit

Location: Novato, CA

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Qigong Meditation

Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree Qigong Meditation Zhan Zhuang Qigong is a very powerful method of qigong exercise that builds tremendous amounts of energy and is the foundation of all other qigong systems. Also refered to as Embrace The Tree, and numerous other names, this system involves static postures that allow energy to build up quickly and freely move through your body. By standing perfectly still and relaxed in certain postures, the practice of zhan zhuang qigong will awaken the dormant energy in your body. I learned about zhan zhuang from a great book called The Way Of Energy by Master Lam Kam Chuen. The link above will provide you with an overview of this great qigong system and some instruction as well.


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