Here are a few sounds you can use to increase the health of your lungs. According to the five elements theory, the lungs are strengthened in the fall. This helps to balance us from any excess fire energy we may have from the hot summer, and helps protect us through the seasonal change by increasing our immunity to colds and flu.
Here are the sounds; sssssssss make this sound barely audible while imagining the color white in the area of your lungs. While doing this you can also smile down to your lungs in your mind and thank them for doing there work and keeping you healthy. This is part of the Taoist meditations called The inner smile and The Six Healing Sounds popularized by
Mantak Chia.
The next sound is yam (rhyme's with Tom). Yam is a bija mantra for the chakra located in the heart center. You can say this one out loud or silently, but you can feel your chest vibrating while saying it out loud which may help you focus your attention on the lungs. Say it fast or continuously at a medium pace. Yamyamyamyam. You can use the inner smile with this sound also.
The last sound comes from a great book called Power Healing by Dr. Sha.
The sound is san (rhyme's with John). This sound is actually the number 3 in mandarin chinese, and is a part of Zhi Neng medicine which utilizes number sounds to produce a healing effect on various body parts. Hand and body positions, visualization, and talking to your body parts, as well as giving thanks are also included in the Zhi Neng system. I highly recommend the book. Try repeating this sound very fast to build up the energy in your lungs.
Here are the sounds; sssssssss make this sound barely audible while imagining the color white in the area of your lungs. While doing this you can also smile down to your lungs in your mind and thank them for doing there work and keeping you healthy. This is part of the Taoist meditations called The inner smile and The Six Healing Sounds popularized by
Mantak Chia.
The next sound is yam (rhyme's with Tom). Yam is a bija mantra for the chakra located in the heart center. You can say this one out loud or silently, but you can feel your chest vibrating while saying it out loud which may help you focus your attention on the lungs. Say it fast or continuously at a medium pace. Yamyamyamyam. You can use the inner smile with this sound also.
The last sound comes from a great book called Power Healing by Dr. Sha.
The sound is san (rhyme's with John). This sound is actually the number 3 in mandarin chinese, and is a part of Zhi Neng medicine which utilizes number sounds to produce a healing effect on various body parts. Hand and body positions, visualization, and talking to your body parts, as well as giving thanks are also included in the Zhi Neng system. I highly recommend the book. Try repeating this sound very fast to build up the energy in your lungs.
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